Sunday, February 19, 2012

Let's mix it up and make a change!

So, what changes can we make to help protect ourselves online?  If you haven't read my VPN post, read it here!

Being anonymous online doesn't do much if you allow people into your computer.  There are plenty of ways for unwanted visitors to gain access to your system with or without your permission.  This is where we need to take a step back, use some critical thinking skills and some common sense to make sure our business stays our business!

Deep Packet Whaaaaaat?

Just because a website has a secure (https:) it doesn't mean they won't take any and all information they can from you.  Many companies have turned to deep packet inspection to gather data about you.  This means every time you go to a website, search for anything online or enter in your information they log it and hold onto it.  It's terrifying to think everything you do online is being watched by someone else.  This is what deep packet inspection is in essence.  Companies use it on you, then sell your information off to advertisers in an attempt to get you to buy products you didn't know you needed.

Have no fear, helpful tips are here!
There are a few simple things you can do to protect yourself from spying eyes.  
  • Firstly is to always read the terms of service!  Make sure you know what companies are going to do with your information (they are required to tell you!).
  • Always check your bank and credit statements for weird transactions or payments you don't remember making.  Contact the bank or credit card provider immediately!
  • Get anti-virus software and make sure it's always up to date!
  • If you don't feel safe giving a company your information, DON'T!  There's nothing saying you need to!

Java drive-by??
It's scary to think but there are exploits out there that will give hackers the ability to get into your computer using Java!  This one is simple enough to combat, don't run ANY java applications you don't trust.  If it doesn't seem 1000% legitimate, don't run it.  One wrong click and your whole life can become someone else's!

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